Be grateful for everything you have, keep your head held high, search for the bright side of things, and let go of the negative. Life is too short not to spend every second as happy as you can possibly be.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Days 1 & 2...

There's good news…and bad news…

Day 1 of Whole 30:

B- 2 hardboiled eggs & banana
L- Big veggie salad with hardboiled egg & grilled chicken
D- Grilled steak and broccoli 

Pretty basic- but for me I need to keep it simple 'till I really get in the swing of things...

I felt OK until the evening and I started to develop a headache so I went to bed early, still not feeling well…

Day 2 of Whole 30:

Woke up with the headache…got ready for work…began packing my lunch and all of a sudden I felt very very ill…I laid down on the couch and couldn't get back up without feeling nauseous…

I had to call out of work and spent the entire day throwing up…I wasn't sure if I had the flu or it this was Whole 30 related. I knew I had a wicked headache, but it didn't feel like a typical migraine. 
Around noon I woke up still in a lot of pain so I took some Excedrin and I DRANK A COKE!! I don't know if this is a mental thing or if it was just the Excedrin, but I swear my headache was gone within the hour. I also ate some saltine crackers! (gasp!)

I have come to the conclusion that it was a migraine and that the vomiting was related to that because I never had body aches or chills…I also feel pretty good now…just worn out. 

I ate 2 boiled eggs and an apple with almond butter for dinner. 

I am not going to feel guilty about today…I was very sick. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll just keep going from there. I'll still call it Day 3…even though today was a major bust. I am human and I'm going to give myself a pass for today. 

Hope all of you are doing well…and your day was much better than mine!! ;) 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jumping on the Whole 30 Bandwagon!

Well, let me begin by mentioning how very awesome I am about keeping up with blogging…haha. I am the worst- and I knew when I started I'd be really bad…I was the girl who would always buy pretty journals to record my innermost thoughts…and then write one entry and call it quits. I wonder what that  says about me…what kind of horrible person am I!!??? :)

So, on to the real purpose for my visit here today…I have decided to begin (and hopefully complete) the Whole 30 program…starting TOMORROW! I am excited and nervous. Those of you who have read about it know that it claims you will have more energy, sleep better, and feel a lot better. You basically eliminate any foods that can cause inflammation and allow your body time to heal. That's the word that really got me interested…when I started thinking about that word, heal, I realized that my body is actually very sick from all of the poor food choices I continue to make. Those junk foods are actually making me ill. I hadn't really thought about it that way until then…and it kind of scared me.

"Junk food is not a reward, it's a punishment"- that's a quote from Drew Carey that I recently came across in all of my researching about eating better. Another one of my favorites, "You are not a dog, don't reward yourself with food."…I hope that I can get to this mindset soon. I want to eat to live- not live to eat (which is what I do now.) I love food- and I have slowly come to realize that I have a very negative relationship with food…I turn to food when I have a good day, bad day, stressful day….basically any day. PROBLEM much?

So…here we go- another chance to get my act together and get healthy- I am really hoping to break some bad habits and to establish a more positive relationship with food. I thought that since I'm starting this journey tomorrow it might be helpful if I'd share the issues that I am having currently so that we can track any improvements or changes.

1. acne (always have a few pimples it seems…)
2. digestive issues (no details needed…but almost a daily occurrence)
3. lethargic (very low energy levels)
4. sleep issues (usually 5 or less hours per night- never sleep all the way through the night)
5. wrist pain (i think it may be carpal tunnel)
6. pain in my right elbow (may be linked to wrist pain..)
7. hip pain (numb feeling when i walk or stand for a long time)
8. knee pain (when squatting)
9. tension in neck and shoulders (feels like it never goes away)
10. headaches (daily)

Oh  my, I sound like a hot mess! And obviously I am, which is why I need to get serious about this!!

My goal is to let you know each day what I am eating- how I'm feeling, etc.
Hope you all stay motivated no matter what your New Year's Resolutions…Here's to a successful 2014!