Be grateful for everything you have, keep your head held high, search for the bright side of things, and let go of the negative. Life is too short not to spend every second as happy as you can possibly be.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bucket List to 30

I  will turn 30 on September 15, 2013.
That gives me about 15 months.
I've been inspired by others and their Bucket Lists and I've decided to create my own. I believe there is something very healing about setting goals- if you aren't exactly where you want to be in life you can always hope for a better future. Nothing is forever, everything can improve. I know that I am continually trying to be a better person, but what does that really mean? Can there be change with no real action? I think not. I plan to hold myself more accountable and to seriously strive to be the best me so that when I wake up on the fateful day of my 30th birthday I can be proud of myself and happy in my own skin. I don't expect that I'll be perfect by then, but I at least I can be a better version of myself.

Bucket List to 30

1.  Reach my goal weight
 * I'm joining Weight Watchers this weekend!
2. Get an “Always” Tattoo
   * Joe and I planned on getting matching "Always" tattoos 
(HP reference). 
He got his and I keep stalling because I can't decide where to put it! 
 3. Finish the Honeymoon scrapbook  * This should say Start and Finish the scrapbook...  
4. Get Crazy Colored Highlights   *Pink or Purple?
5.  Start my Master's Degree 
6. Take a Train Ride Somewhere 
7. Watch the balloons get blown up for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
8.  Start and keep a daily journal calendar  Beautiful Idea!   
9. Find a Great Church Family in CT
10.  Do One Random Act of Kindness Each Day for a Month
11. Visit Harry Potter World in Orlando, FL   
12. Be pregnant    
13. Visit Blackwater Falls

What's on your Bucket List? 

1 comment:

  1. I like #12! :) And this bucket list before 30 is such a great idea. Go you!!
